Friday, May 13, 2011

Cranbrook Thesis Projects

When I was in Boston Working on my Masters of Architecture these students were not even in college at Crandbrook in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. The photos are some of the interesting projects and all created by students for their Thesis Finals. The Show ended May 8, 2011, but the work was an indication of the quality.
I was pleasantly surprised at the innovation but sorry I missed the entire show. The Third project(bottom) was floating in the reflection ponds created by Saarinen and is outside his apartment. Not a lot of curved surfaces.
Considering that the school only accepts 70 students a year, room is limited for display of projects. Most attempted interesting displays of common (i.e. pipes, wire, topography) materials. Most came in two parts bolted together, perhaps patterned on the Solar Decathlon it has to be portable?

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