Friday, April 1, 2011

Condominiums on the Chesapeake Bay

The image here is a view looking down the "main street" of a new development in Norfolk. The vision of high density in the landscape seems to be an area of no little consternation among the locals. In this and other new developments around the country, the lack of usable land requires higher standards in this recession.

While this development is being passed among the politicians, the real issue here is if the military which has a base close by will even allow a tall building close to an ACUZ zone. The final vote comes up in March. It is a process which has taken almost five years and was reported earlier but was reduced in priority because of the recession. People want quality, "Green" buildings and they do not want to spend a lot! It is conditions like this which make our profession so volatile and require real effort to a solid design solutions.

This is one of many views of this mixed-use development . The proper mix is necessary in today's economic climate. My only question in this entire process  is "Do we spend enough time with the 'mixed use ' to make it an asset to the inhabitants and the community. A community needs to blend and not send a message of exclusiveness to the entire city. In Europe people who live in apartments feel that they are part of the City, while in America we have the idea of home ownership to initiate this cause. Do we need a different idea of home ownership in these times?

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