Typical framing plan is indicated with basically trabeated system of construction with a steel truss sytem for the classrooms.
The only system is not represented here is the proposed Octet truss system used to support the glass roofed (opaque) skylights exhibit space on the first floor. This system will be a octet truss system composed of alternating tetrahedrons and octahedrons which dispersed loads along the planes of loading. Devised by Buckminster Fuller in the late 60's this system was used in the Montreal Expo U. S. Pavilion Building floor. It provides great strength and maintains an impression of laciness and delicacy to the spaces.
As an added note when "Bucky" Fuller came to Midland, Michigan, I had the opportunity to see first hand the ability of this system and the man that created the system. I was was impressed by his honest integrity.
1 comment:
There will be a two-day symposium building on "Bucky" Fuller's work in November in Providence, RI: Synergetics and Morphology: Explorations into the Shapes of Nature. Event home page: http://synergeticists.org/snec.announce.meeting.2007.11.html
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