Saturday, September 8, 2007

Bolyston Elevation

The new view along Boylston Street: The existing building along the west with the new building to the right.


werner said...

Tom, I would like you to add a bit more precision to your drawings. Your south elevation and the foto of our neighboring building should be scaled properly; your three story building is the same height as 4 ½ floors next door! I would like to see this precision also in your drawing itself. Where are floor levels? Where are the floor elevations? How do the windows relate to the floor? Is there a reason why the windows are different widths? How are the elevator Lobbies fenestrated? Different on the upper floors, or the same? Your drawing should describe in a clearer way how you think the building is put together: it is not an artist’s impression, it is an architect’s drawing.

Thomas said...

Part of the reason that i do not have that precision is that I do not have access to the autocad program- I realize I must rectify that for the final submission.

werner said...

Tom, I'm not sure if it is only a matter of a computer program. Even I remember the times we drew exclusively by hand; and th edrawings were a bit more architectural... But I can't wait to see more precision for the fianl.
PS: any thoughts on how you might turn th ecorner with your facade treatment?