Sunday, August 22, 2010

A word about the economy

At the time I entered the profession it was in a recession. Being from the Motor City always  provided an indication of the strength of the economy.  In this last year I have witnessed a contraction in both our economy and the quality of life in the United States. While it is not so much the loss of jobs through outsourcing and attrition through a shrinking youth force, but also the direction purchases are  moving in our most simple items. 

Americans have always been generous with their technology and the Asian vacuum cleaner has done well by taking what the can and producing it cheap! However, if we are gong to survive we must be more innovative and willing to invest in homegrown industries, educational institutions and services. What I fear is the  fact that we have gone to far to turn back. Yes, we still have plenty of natural resources, but even that is being purchased by those not in the country but from more volatile countries. Perhaps many things are simply up in the air and are indeterminate at this point of our economic lives.... to paraphrase Franklin Roosevelt "all we have to expect is the unexpected".

While many are looking for jobs and work locally, nationally we are much more at the mercy of our international brothers and sisters than we ever have been. But while we are expected to be world leaders and trendsetters or stylists we never have the blessings of the international community. We must look around us and see who are friends really are and to bond for the sake of our principles of freedom and security.

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